About Grounded

For founder Nadia Padayachi, yoga started at Wynberg Girls’ High School as an alternative to netball. Becoming a yoga teacher happened entirely by chance in 2016, following a sixteen-year career in various corporate institutions. A few life events have shaped my teaching style and practice, namely growing up in the Cape Flats in the 90s, a turbulent family life, maintaining a lengthy corporate career, a hip operation and finding myself in unsafe spaces. Ultimately, finding solace in my mind and body became a bigger priority as time passed.

In learning through unravelling and reflecting, there was a need for a shared space for people and their lived experience - and where words did not suffice, there was ample room for movement, for re-rooting and connecting with the body as a means of healing. 

By moving mindfulness into organisations such as schools and corporate spaces, Nadia skillfully allows participants to ground themselves. Mindfulness circles become an insightful experience for each individual and allow teams to connect at a deeper level. The foundation of every course is mindfulness skills which can become tools for managing the ups and downs of life. Layed on top are leadership perspectives which emphasise responsibility, accountability and deep empathy when leading teams at every level of the organisation.

Grounded was inspired by a deep need for a nurturing environment unrestrictive to taking oneself apart and piecing back together, slowly and intentionally. I look forward to sharing and connecting with you.

If you’d like to read Nadia’s professional bio, here’s her LinkedIn page. The short version is that she has an undergraduate degree in Communication with post-grads in Futures Studies (long-term strategic planning); Health Economics, and an MBA. She started her professional career as an intern at the age of 19 and has spent time in the media, healthcare and research industries.

Nadia became a yoga teacher in 2016 and has been teaching yoga and mindfulness fulltime since May 2022.

Kayla Bull

Kayla is a registered counsellor in private practice. She is a plant-based yoga instructor who trains in jiu-jitsu and has always been interested in physical activity. Her area of speciality is in bereavement counselling and palliative care. She is currently completing a Masters in Public Health at UCT.


Sustainable development and beyond

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a core focus by offering accessible and affordable mental wellbeing services.


We are always interested in exploring opportunities to increase access to yoga and mindfulness. Some of the programmes we are participating in include:

  1. The Western Cape Governments Year Beyond programme teaches young people mindfulness skills to manage stress and anxiety at home and when entering the job market.

  2. The Teacher Graduate programme supports newly qualified POC teachers as they explore applying the theory. Participants can teach classes and have the opportunity to learn from more experienced teachers.

  3. Individual support is offered to unemployed people in the job market looking for work, and young people busy with their academic studies are also included. Managing one’s mental health during this time is particularly challenging.

  4. We welcome people who want to practice yoga and have various ability levels. Classes are taught for people seated on a chair and on a mat. This has created classes rich in diversity and perspectives.